Managed funds
Public funds
EQUES Akumulacji Majątku FIZ
EQUES Akumulacji Majątku FIZ maintains a cautious investment policy through investment in treasury bonds, inter alia. The Fund can also maintain the exposure to corporate bond market. In addition, the fund takes advantage of market opportunities by acquiring positions on the stock market, directly or by use of derivatives. The investment policy, however, assumes a strong limitation of the exposure to the stock market, which is much lower than in the case of equity funds.
moreEQUES Aktywnego Inwestowania FIZ
The Fund implements active management policy, which means that the level of the fund’s involvement in the individual categories of deposits is variable and depends on the relation between the expected return rates and the risk exposure. The Fund is addressed to Investors accepting the exposure to the stock market, but expecting an active management of the investment portfolio.
EQUES Akcji Sektora Prywatnego FIZ
EQUES Akcji Sektora Prywatnego FIZ is an equity fund that deposits assets above all in the shares of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) in which the participation of the State Treasury does not exceed 5%.Furthermore, the fund deposits assets in bonds and money market instruments. The Fund focuses its activities around mWIG40 and sWIG80 index companies. However, investment in equity instruments other than the instruments providing the basis for the above-said indices, including instruments listed on foreign markets, is also allowed.
moreFunds list
EQUES Debitum FIZ Niestandaryzowany Fundusz Wierzytelności has invested in mass-scale receivable portfolios for 12 years. The receivables are mainly purchased from financial institutions: banks and loan companies as well as from telecommunications companies and other utilities. The receivables are purchased in tenders, in the form of a direct purchase and in the case of loan companies, predominantly based on framework agreements (on pre-determined terms). The Fund invests in a mix of receivables: non-performing loans and performing loans, which allows for a flexible approach to portfolio management. The search for receivables, valuation, purchase, administrative handling and collection is dealt with by two servicers – companies that have obtained a permission from the Polish Financial Supervision Authority to manage the securitised receivables of a securitization fund. The investment results of the Fund are mainly impacted by the effectiveness of recovery, i.e. the repayment of receivables.
moreEQUES Creditum FIZ NFW
EQUES Creditum FIZ Niestandaryzowany Fundusz Wierzytelności has invested in regular receivable portfolios for 10 years. The receivables are mainly purchased from loan companies under framework agreements (on pre-determined terms). This allows for the purchase of packages at a pre-determined price without tenders. The search for receivables, valuation, purchase, administrative handling and amicable & legal collection is dealt with by two servicers – companies that have obtained a permission from the Polish Financial Supervision Authority to manage the securitised receivables of a securitization fund. The investment results of the Fund are mainly impacted by the effectiveness of recovery, i.e. the repayment of receivables.
moreEQUES Pożyczek Dywidendowy FIZ NFW
EQUES Pożyczek Dywidendowy FIZ Niestandaryzowany Fundusz Wierzytelności pays the profit to Participants twice a year. The Fund has invested in regular receivable portfolios for 5 years. The receivables are mainly purchased from loan companies under framework agreements (on pre-determined terms). This allows for the purchase of packages at a pre-determined price without tenders. The search for receivables, valuation, purchase, administrative handling and amicable & legal collection is dealt with by two servicers – companies that have obtained a permission from the Polish Financial Supervision Authority to manage the securitised receivables of a securitization fund. The investment results of the Fund are mainly impacted by the effectiveness of recovery, i.e. the repayment of receivables.
moreEQUES Hipoteczny FIZ
EQUES Hipoteczny FIZ finances the operations of special-purpose vehicles, the sole object of which is granting real estate backed loans. The loan terms are agreed upon with the Fund. Collateral consists exclusively of properties that meet the criteria acceptable for the Fund, located predominantly in big and medium cities. The receivables of the Fund under the bond redemption and the repayment of loans are secured by a registered pledge on the loan portfolio granted by special-purpose vehicles. The main source of the Fund’s results is the interest obtained from special-purpose vehicles under bonds and loans. The Fund has performed investment activities for 7 years.
more24.02.2025 - 13,39 zł EQUES Obligacji Uniwersalny
EQUES SFIO Bonds sub-fund. The Sub-fund deposits up to 100% asset value in bonds and other debt instruments with a maturity over 1 year, whereas the Sub-fund may temporarily deposit up to 50% asset value in short-term bonds and money market instruments. The Sub-fund invests at least 2/3 of assets in the securities of Polish issuers, for the remaining part it can look for investment opportunities on foreign markets. The Sub-fund may deposit up to 100% asset value in corporate bonds. The Sub-fund has performed investment activities for 11 years.