EQUES Private Debt

Poniższe informacje i dane są publikowane zgodnie ze stanowiskiem KNF z dnia 11 maja 2023 roku i nie stanowią oferty papierów wartościowych.
Pełny zakres informacji o funduszu jest dostępny po zalogowaniu dla Uczestników i dystrybutorów funduszu.


1 year

Performance 28.02.2025

Unit price
SERIA A1 830,44 PLN SERIA B2 022,85 PLN
1 month
SERIA A 0,48% SERIA B 0,62%
3 months
SERIA A 1,77% SERIA B 2,24%
6 months
SERIA A 3,00% SERIA B 3,99%
1 year
SERIA A 6,02% SERIA B 8,01%
2 years
SERIA A 14,06% SERIA B 18,02%
3 years
SERIA A 23,25% SERIA B 29,34%
5 years
SERIA A 38,66% SERIA B 51,67%
10 years
Since inception
SERIA A 82,72% SERIA B 59,28%

Past results cannot guarantee that identical or similar results will be obtained in the future and the risk of loss of investment in part or in full persists.

Prezentowane wyniki obejmują okres od 7 grudnia 2016 roku, tj. od zmiany polityki inwestycyjnej i nazwy funduszu.

The characteristics of the fund

EQUES Private Debt FIZ finances the operations of special-purpose vehicles, the sole object of which is granting real estate backed loans. The loan terms are agreed upon with the Fund. Collateral consists exclusively of properties that meet the criteria acceptable for the Fund, located predominantly in big and medium cities. The receivables of the Fund under the bond redemption and the repayment of loans are secured by a registered pledge on the loan portfolio granted by special-purpose vehicles. The main source of the Fund’s results is the interest obtained from special-purpose vehicles under bonds and loans. The Fund has performed investment activities for 7 years.

Annual rates of return 

Pierwsza wycena: certyfikaty A - 07.12.2016; certyfikaty B - 31.08.2019

Więcej informacji o funduszu
dostępnych po zalogowaniu


Legal notice

This material is provided for informational and promotional purposes only, and therefore cannot be in any case considered a proposal within the meaning of Article 66 of the Polish Civil Code of April 23, 1964 (Journal of Laws No. 16, item 93, as amended). Neither shall this material be construed as a financial or investment consultancy service or the provision of recommendations concerning financial instruments or their issuers within the meaning of the Trading in Financial Instruments Act of July 29, 2005 (Journal of Laws 2005 No. 183, item 1538), or constitute a form of providing legal assistance. The presented data are based on own studies of the Company, unless the material clearly indicates another source of data. The information required by law, including: a detailed description of risk factors related to acquisition of Fund investment certificates, the amount and method of charging handling fees, costs charged to the Fund and tax obligations related to the investment can be found in the Fund articles of association and/or in the terms and conditions of issue of the Fund investment certificates. Prior to making an investment decision, those interested in the purchase of Fund investment certificates should read those documents thoroughly. The articles of association of the Fund is available on the Company website www.eitfi.pl, in its registered office and in its branch in Warsaw. The terms and conditions of issue of the Fund investment certificates constitute an appendix to the proposal of purchase of the Fund investment certificates sent or otherwise made available to the purchasers of certificates to whom that proposal is addressed. EQUES Private Debt FIZ does not guarantee the achievement of an assumed investment objective, or a specific investment performance or an investment performance that is similar to the one achieved so far. The results presented cover the periods explicitly indicated in this material and are based exclusively on the historical data. Due to the composition of the investment portfolio or to the applied investment portfolio management techniques, the value of the net assets of the Fund may be characterized by high variability. Investing in investment certificates entails specific risks and Participants should take into account the possibility of losing at least part of the funds invested. The Participant's individual rate of return is not identical to the investment performance of the Fund and is contingent on the price of issue and the price of redemption of investment certificates, as well as on the amount of collected handling fees and tax paid directly from the return on investment in the Fund, in particular on the capital gain tax. This material is copyright-protected on the basis of the Act on copyright and related rights of February 4, 1994 (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 80, item 904, as amended) and copyrights to the material is vested only in EQUES Investment TFI SA, with its registered office in Gdańsk. Without the express consent of the Company, this material may not be copied in whole or in part, made available or used in any other way.
                        (SELECT (2022.85 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 76 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania <= '2025-02-27' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastDay,
                        (SELECT (2022.85 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 76 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania <= '2025-01-31' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastMonth,
                        (SELECT (2022.85 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 76 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania <= '2024-11-30' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastThreeMonth,
                        (SELECT (2022.85 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 76 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania <= '2024-08-31' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastSixMonth,
                        (SELECT (2022.85 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 76 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania <= '2024-02-29' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastYear,
                        (SELECT (2022.85 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 76 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania <= '2023-02-28' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastTwoYears,
                        (SELECT (2022.85 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 76 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania <= '2022-02-28' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastThreeYears,
                        (SELECT (2022.85 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 76 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania <= '2020-02-29' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastFiveYears,
                        (SELECT (2022.85 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 76 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania <= '2015-02-28' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastTeenYears,
                        (SELECT (2022.85 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 76 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania <= '2025-01-01' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as thisYear,
                        (SELECT (2022.85 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 76 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania >= '2016-08-10' ORDER BY data_notowania ASC LIMIT 1) as ever,
                        (SELECT (2022.85 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 76 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania <= '2024-12-31' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as ytd
                        (SELECT (1830.44 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 51 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania >= '2016-12-07' AND data_notowania <= '2025-02-27' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastDay,
                        (SELECT (1830.44 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 51 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania >= '2016-12-07' AND data_notowania <= '2025-01-31' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastMonth,
                        (SELECT (1830.44 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 51 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania >= '2016-12-07' AND data_notowania <= '2024-11-30' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastThreeMonth,
                        (SELECT (1830.44 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 51 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania >= '2016-12-07' AND data_notowania <= '2024-08-31' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastSixMonth,
                        (SELECT (1830.44 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 51 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania >= '2016-12-07' AND data_notowania <= '2024-02-29' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastYear,
                        (SELECT (1830.44 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 51 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania >= '2016-12-07' AND data_notowania <= '2023-02-28' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastTwoYears,
                        (SELECT (1830.44 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 51 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania >= '2016-12-07' AND data_notowania <= '2022-02-28' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastThreeYears,
                        (SELECT (1830.44 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 51 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania >= '2016-12-07' AND data_notowania <= '2020-02-29' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastFiveYears,
                        (SELECT (1830.44 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 51 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania >= '2016-12-07' AND data_notowania <= '2015-02-28' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as lastTeenYears,
                        (SELECT (1830.44 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 51 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania >= '2016-12-07' AND data_notowania <= '2025-01-01' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as thisYear,
                        (SELECT (1830.44 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 51 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania >= '2016-12-07' AND data_notowania >= '2016-08-10' ORDER BY data_notowania ASC LIMIT 1) as ever,
                        (SELECT (1830.44 / (wynik*przecena(id_funduszu, data_notowania)) - 1) * 100 FROM historia h WHERE id_funduszu = 51 AND visible=1 AND data_notowania >= '2016-12-07' AND data_notowania <= '2024-12-31' ORDER BY data_notowania DESC LIMIT 1) as ytd