EQUES Obligacji Uniwersalny
Performance 10.03.2025
Unit price
13,35 PLN
3 months
6 months
1 year
2 years
3 years
5 years
10 years
Since inception
Past results cannot guarantee that identical or similar results will be obtained in the future and the risk of loss of investment in part or in full persists.
The characteristics of the fund
EQUES SFIO Bonds sub-fund. The Sub-fund deposits up to 100% asset value in bonds and other debt instruments with a maturity over 1 year, whereas the Sub-fund may temporarily deposit up to 50% asset value in short-term bonds and money market instruments. The Sub-fund invests at least 2/3 of assets in the securities of Polish issuers, for the remaining part it can look for investment opportunities on foreign markets. The Sub-fund may deposit up to 100% asset value in corporate bonds. The Sub-fund has performed investment activities for 11 years.Podstawowe dane funduszu
Inception date
Level of risk
Unit price as of 10.03.2025
13,35 PLN
Net Assets Value as of 31.12.2024
7,20 mln PLN
Minimal initial payment
10000 PLN
Minimal next payment
1000 PLN
Management fee
j.u. kat. A: 0.45 %; j.u. kat. B: 0,9%
Fund Manager

Fund Manager
Vice President of the Management Board, Chief Investment Officer
He began his professional career as an Analyst in the Asset Management Department, since 2014 he manages EQUES Aktywnego Inwestowania FIZ. President of EQUES Investment TFI S.A. Investment Committee. He held positions of Head of Alternative Investments Fund Management, Head of Capital Market Fund Management and Commercial Proxy. In EQUES Investment TFI S.A. supervises investment decisions, responsible for analysis of investment projects and fund management. He manages EQUES Akumulacji Majatku FIZ and EQUES Akcji Sektora Prywatnego FIZ. Master of Science in Economics (the field of studies: Finance and Accounting), holder of Bachelor’s Degree in International Economics, graduate of Warsaw School of Economics, International Master in Business Management scholarship at Université Paris-Est Créteil.
He began his professional career as an Analyst in the Asset Management Department, since 2014 he manages EQUES Aktywnego Inwestowania FIZ. President of EQUES Investment TFI S.A. Investment Committee. He held positions of Head of Alternative Investments Fund Management, Head of Capital Market Fund Management and Commercial Proxy. In EQUES Investment TFI S.A. supervises investment decisions, responsible for analysis of investment projects and fund management. He manages EQUES Akumulacji Majatku FIZ and EQUES Akcji Sektora Prywatnego FIZ. Master of Science in Economics (the field of studies: Finance and Accounting), holder of Bachelor’s Degree in International Economics, graduate of Warsaw School of Economics, International Master in Business Management scholarship at Université Paris-Est Créteil.
Legal notice
This material is provided for informational and promotional purposes only, and therefore cannot be in any case considered a proposal within the meaning of Article 66 of the Polish Civil Code of April 23, 1964 (Journal of Laws No. 16, item 93, as amended). Neither shall this material be construed as a financial or investment consultancy service or the provision of recommendations concerning financial instruments or their issuers within the meaning of the Trading in Financial Instruments Act of July 29, 2005 (Journal of Laws 2005 No. 183, item 1538), or constitute a form of providing legal assistance. The presented data are based on own studies of the Company, unless the material clearly indicates another source of data. The information required by law, including: a detailed description of risk factors related to the acquisition of participation units, the amount and method of charging handling fees, costs charged to the Fund and tax liabilities related to the investment are contained in the EQUES SFIO (Specialized Open-End Investment Fund) information prospectus and/or key information for investors (the